Englantilainen filologia pääsykokeen mallitehtävä, Oulun yliopisto

Oulun yliopiston englantilaisen filologian kurssitarjotin 2018-2019 .  http://www.oulu.fi/englantilainenfilologia/

Tällainen on pääsykoe Ouluun . Opettele siis todellakin kirjoittamaan monipuolisesti ja tarkasti lukioaikanasi. Lue paljon kaikenlaisia vaativia tekstejä ja kirjallisuutta enkuksi tietenkin. Moni menee takki auki koklaamaan, mutta häntä voi löytyä koipien välistä, jos osaaminen ei ollutkaan varmalla pohjalla. Äikänkursseilla varmistat kaikinpuolisen tekstitatojen hallinnan, joka edesauttaa menestystäsi mm. alla kuvatussa kokeessa.

Tällaista sanotaan Oulun valintakokeen sisällöstä ja arvioinnista:

Valintakoe on kirjallinen ja koostuu kahdesta tai kolmesta erityyppisestä englanninkielisestä kirjoitustehtävästä, jotka vaihtelevat pituudeltaan (n. 300–500 sanaa). Kirjallisen kokeen maksimipistemäärä on 40 pistettä.

Valintakoe perustuu koetilanteessa jaettavaan aineistoon. Aineisto voi koostua lyhyistä tieteellisistä teksteistä, kaunokirjallisesta materiaalista, sanoma- tai aikakauslehtiartikkeleista tai visuaalisista materiaaleista. Aineisto käsittelee kielentutkimusta, kielenoppimista sekä englanninkielisen maailman kulttuuria ja kirjallisuutta.

Kirjallinen valintakoe on pakollinen, eikä siihen lähetetä hakijoille erillistä kutsua.

Valintakokeen tavoitteena on testata hakijoiden kykyä käsitellä aineiston esittämää tietoa, ja soveltaa sitä kirjoitustehtävien ohjeiden mukaisesti. Voidakseen tulla hyväksytyksi hakijan tulee saada jokaisesta tehtävästä vähintään 50 % pisteistä. Jos hakija jättää tyhjän vastauspaperin johonkin tehtävään, muita tehtäviä ei arvioida, vaikka niihin olisi vastattu. Kirjoitustehtävien arvioinnissa kiinnitetään huomiota seuraaviin seikkoihin:

  • sisältö – käsittelemiesi asioiden täsmällisyys ja asiaankuuluvuus
  • kieliasu – kielen virheettömyys, täsmällinen ja sujuva ilmaisu, sanaston monipuolinen käyttö, lauserakenteiden hallinta
  • tekstien jäsentely ja rakenne – argumentoinnin looginen jäsennys, tekstin johdonmukaisuus

Englantilaisen filologian hakija voi valituksi tultuaan saada sivuaineeksi ilman lähtötasokoetta ruotsin kielen, germaanisen filologian (saksa) tai ranskan kielen, jos hänellä on ylioppilastutkinnossa ao. kielistä vähintään arvosana laudatur tai eximia cum laude approbatur. Ruotsissa hakijalla on oltava vähintään keskipitkä oppimäärä, saksassa ja ranskassa ei ole oppimäärärajoitusta. Arvosana ei saa olla viittä vuotta vanhempi.

Germaanisen filologian sivuaineoikeuden voi saada vaihtoehtoisesti myös muulla todistuksella osoitetulla kielitaidolla (taitotaso A2.2).

Hakukohteeseen hyväksytyille ilmoitetaan sivuainevalinnasta opintojen alussa. Kieliaineissa järjestetään myös erillisiä sivuainekokeita, joihin yliopiston opiskelijat voivat osallistua.

Englanninkielinen versio pääsykoekriteereistä:

Lähtötasokoe / The Entrance Examination

The entrance examination is in English. It is a written examination that consists of two or three writing tasks of approximately 300 words. Materials, which may pertain to linguistics, applied linguistics, literature and/or culture, will be provided at the examination. The maximum number of points in the examination is 40.

The aim of the entrance examination is to test the applicant’s ability to grasp the content presented in the examination materials and apply it accordingly in the writing tasks. To be considered for admission, the applicant must score at least 50% of the available points in each task.

The assessment of the examination answers will focus on the following issues:

1. content – the relevance and accuracy of the answers;
2. language – the grasp of vocabulary and grammatical precision, the ability to write clearly, fluently and flawlessly;
3. structure and organization – the logical presentation and overall coherence of argumentation.


Tämmöisiä monivalintoja on ollut pääsykokeessa, mutta näemmä ei enää päsmätä hämäävillä monivalinnoilla. Pähkäile siis vastaukset seuraaviin kysymyksiin:

Fill in each blank by selecting the most appropriate response for formal written English.

He was interested in ***.

a)      Finnish history and, in fact, the history in general

b)      the Finnish history and, in fact, history in general

c)      the history of Finland and, in fact, history in general

d)     history of Finland and, in fact, the history in general

*** in doing this, there will be a reward.

a)      If you will succeed

b)      If you would succeed

c)      Would you succeed

d)     Should you succeed

He said that everything *** when he came back.

a)      will be explained

b)      would have explained

c)      would be explained

d)     is explained

Fred’s *** a fever just before the match was a severe blow to his team.

a)      coming out with

b)      coming down with

c)      coming up with

d)     coming through with

The government’s economic policy has *** increased unemployment.

a)      risen against

b)      risen over

c)      given rise to

d)     taken the raise out of

Some people are always *** other people’s work, without ever making a constructive suggestion of their own.

a)      finding fault from

b)      finding fault with

c)      finding fault on

d)     finding fault over

The Senator tried to *** down the importance of his youthful amorous adventures.

a)      play

b)      talk

c)      walk

d)     run

Mr Edwards *** a lot of brochures and catalogues before deciding which dishwasher to buy.

a)      went into

b)      went with

c)      went through

d)     went round

Do the trains ever run *** time here?

a)      after

b)      over

c)      in

d)     on

The police investigation was *** speed and efficiency.

a)      conducted with

b)      proceeded with

c)      transacted with

d)     carried out by

She is the type of *** never complains.

a)      girl, that

b)      girl, who

c)      girl who

d)     girl, which

A tax declaration is *** for a small child to understand.

a)      a too difficult thing

b)      the too difficult thing

c)      too difficult a thing

d)     too a difficult thing

If you *** weight, you’ll have to go on a slimming diet.

a)      lose

b)      will lose

c)      would lose

d)     are to lose

If his plane *** he won’t get there in time.

a)      isn’t to leave soon

b)      doesn’t leave soon

c)      won’t leave soon

d)     won’t have leaved soon

The traveller *** the night there.

a)      had better to spend

b)      had better spend

c)      would be better to spend

d)     would better spend

*** tomorrow if you want me to.

a)      I am seeing him

b)      I am to see him

c)      I will see him

d)     I would be seeing him

I’m not used  *** rudely.

a)      that I am spoken to

b)      that I should be spoken to

c)      to be spoken to

d)     to being spoken to

I’m afraid that the regulation you quoted is not *** to your situation.

a)      fitting

b)      entitled

c)      valid

d)     applicable

The motion was *** by 392 to 217, with 17 abstensions.

a)      carried

b)      permitted

c)      taken

d)     legalised

The food in the cafeteria is a frequent *** for complaint.

a)      motive

b)      cause

c)      blame

d)     justification

Since the accident was not his fault, he received full *** for his injuries.

a)      compensation

b)      settlement

c)      resolve

d)     insurance

The plane was *** to Paris because of the fog.

a)      delayed

b)      deflected

c)      derouted

d)     diverted

“I could *** with a drink now, “ he thought.

a)      use

b)      do

c)      have

d)     make

In severe cold the human body soon reaches the limit of its *** .

a)      endurance

b)      continuance

c)      surviving

d)     resisting

He was *** $250 for breaking the speed limit.

a)      punished

b)      penalised

c)      fined

d)     disciplined

I remember exactly what he said, but I didn’t quite *** the meaning until later.

a)      retain

b)      clutch

c)      grasp

d)     grip

He could hear the pigs *** as he approached the farm.

a) groaning

b) howling

c) growling

d) grunting

After a fortnight, camping *** no surprises for me.

a)      presented

b)      offered

c)      kept

d)     held

If you *** in interrupting every time I try to explain, we shall get nowhere.

a)      determine

b)      persist

c)      repeat

d)     remain

The most *** feature of the landscape is the beautiful castle on top of the hill.

a)      protruding

b)      prominent

c)      bulging

d)     manifest

The drought became so severe that the government decided to *** the water supply.

a)      ration

b)      rationalize

c)      ratify

d)     rate

We had better put this medicine in a locked cupboard, to be on the *** side.

a)      sure

b)      safe

c)      secure

d)     certain

The jury brought in a unanimous *** of “Not Guilty”.

a)      accusation

b)      sentence

c)      resolution

d)     verdict

She always got excellent results ***.

a)      how difficult the exam ever was

b)      no matter however the exam was difficult

c)      no matter how difficult the exam was

d)     no matter that the exam was however difficult

They tried to work out ***.

a)      where did go the train

b)      where was the train going

c)      where the train was going

d)     where did the train go

One reason *** is the high level of unemployment.

a)      because so much poverty exists

b)      of there being so much poverty

c)      for there being so much poverty

d)     for so much poverty exists

The manuscript was handed down *** to keep it in the family.

a)      from generation to another

b)      from a generation to another

c)      from another generation to another

d)     from one generation to another

They were considering *** the money for themselves.

a)      about it if they would keep

b)      keeping

c)      to keep

d)     about to keep

They got the house very cheaply because it was in a bad *** of repair.

a)      condition

b)      mode

c)      state

d)     way

He asked *** read the book.

a)      me if I had

b)      me that I had

c)      me, that had I

d)     me weather I had

David and Anne are in *** history class.

a)      a same

b)      same

c)      the same

d)     their same

Ganesh bought *** copy of the novel.

a)      an own

b)      his own

c)      own

d)     the own

I would probably lend you my bicycle if you *** me why you need it.

a)      had told

b)      tell

c)      told

d)     would tell

The teacher gave Jane the highest mark because she had written ***.

a)      a so good essay

b)      a such good essay

c)      so good a essay

d)     such a good essay

The rescue workers knew how to *** the emergency.

a)      act on

b)      cope with

c)      deal in

d)     settle with

The point of her story is ***.

a)      a bit unclear

b)      a little unclear

c)      somewhat unclear

d)     All of the above are correct.

Most menus offer a wide *** of dishes.

a)      choice

b)      choise

c)      choose

d)     chose

I have a *** sister.

a)      thirteen year old

b)      thirteen-year-old

c)      thirteen years old

d)     thirteen-years-old

Her parents did not want *** her boyfriend.

a)      her to marry

b)      that she married

c)      that she should marry

d)     that she would marry

Luxembourg is not a great military or *** power.

a)      economic

b)      economical

c)      finance

d)     money

***, I was unable to finish knitting the sweater before Christmas.

a)      Despite my hard work

b)      Despite I worked hard

c)      In spite of I worked hard

d)     In spite of me work hard

*** when the two of us were in London.

a)      Me and my friend visited several museums

b)      My friend and I visited several museums

c)      My friend and me visited several museums

d)     We visited several museums with my friend

Wilma and Mary are sisters. ***

a)      One is tall; the other is short.

b)      The one is tall; other is short

c)      The other is tall; the other is short

d)     One is tall; the second is short

The examiner was unable to mark George’s essay because of his *** handwriting.

a)      illegible

b)      illegitimate

c)      illicit

d)     illiterate

Below you will find several pairs of sentences. Decide which sentences contain errors and which do not.

A   There is a newspaper on the chair.

B   There is a number of books on the table

a)      Only sentence A is correct.

b)      Only sentence B is correct.

c)      Both sentences are correct.

d)     Both sentences contain errors.

A   Why do I enjoy drinking coffee so much.

B   I enjoy drinking tea, too.

a)      Only sentence A is correct.

b)      Only sentence B is correct.

c)      Both sentences are correct.

d)     Both sentences contain errors.

A   My uncle lives in United States.

B   One of my aunts lives in Canada.

a)      Only sentence A is correct.

b)      Only sentence B is correct.

c)      Both sentences are correct.

d)     Both sentences contain errors.

A   William said, that he wanted to join us on the trip.

B   We hope to visit Ireland and Scotland.

a)      Only sentence A is correct.

b)      Only sentence B is correct.

c)      Both sentences are correct.

d)     Both sentences contain errors.

A   Howard bought a pair of italian shoes.

B   He also bought pair of trousers.

a)      Only sentence A is correct.

b)      Only sentence B is correct.

c)      Both sentences are correct.

d)     Both sentences contain errors.

A   I have always wanted to study english.

B   English language is spoken all over the world.

a)      Only sentence A is correct.

b)      Only sentence B is correct.

c)      Both sentences are correct.

d)     Both sentences contain errors.

A    Do you know what todays date is?

B    I have an apointment with the dentist on the 23rd.

a)   Only sentence A is correct.

b)   Only sentence B is correct.

c)   Both sentences are correct.

d)   Both sentences contain errors.

A   I get a lot of exercise.

B   My dog like to take long walks.

a)      Only sentence A is correct.

b)      Only sentence B is correct.

c)      Both sentences are correct.

d)     Both sentences contain errors.

A   Liz won first prize in the race.

B   She is very fast runner.

a)   Only sentence A is correct.

b)   Only sentence B is correct.

c)   Both sentences are correct.

d)   Both sentences contain errors.

A   Linda phoned and told me she is still living in London.

B   Linda phoned and told me she was still living in London.

a)   Only sentence A is correct.

b)   Only sentence B is correct.

c)   Both sentences are correct.

d)   Both sentences contain errors.

A   I was really excited at my graduation.

B   My mother was able to attend, but Father had to work.

a)   Only sentence A is correct.

b)   Only sentence B is correct.

c)   Both sentences are correct.

d)   Both sentences contain errors.

A   My father teached me how to drive.

B   He is taxi driver.

a)   Only sentence A is correct.

b)   Only sentence B is correct.

c)   Both sentences are correct.

d)   Both sentences contain errors.

A   Because I have left my wallet at home, I can not pay the bill today.

B   Having left my wallet at home, too, I can not pay the bill wither.

a)   Only sentence A is correct.

b)   Only sentence B is correct.

c)   Both sentences are correct.

d)   Both sentences contain errors.

A   I hope you would be able to help me solve this problem.

B   I am unable to solve it myself.

a)   Only sentence A is correct.

b)   Only sentence B is correct.

c)   Both sentences are correct.

d)   Both sentences contain errors.

A   Radha has a pet dog named Fido.

B   It never tires of wagging it’s tail.

a)   Only sentence A is correct.

b)   Only sentence B is correct.

c)   Both sentences are correct.

d)   Both sentences contain errors.

A   Thomas likes to watch television to relax.

B   Martha likes to listen radio while she is working.

a)   Only sentence A is correct.

b)   Only sentence B is correct.

c)   Both sentences are correct.

d)   Both sentences contain errors.

A   There were only hundred tickets for the concert.

B   Two thousand people wanted to attend.

a)   Only sentence A is correct.

b)   Only sentence B is correct.

c)   Both sentences are correct.

d)   Both sentences contain errors.

A   Anyone who saw Roger could tell that something was troubling him.

B   Anne asked if there was anything she could do.

a)   Only sentence A is correct.

b)   Only sentence B is correct.

c)   Both sentences are correct.

d)   Both sentences contain errors.

A   Should you have any questions about religion, ask your pastor.

B   Ask your mother if you have any questions about cooking.

a)   Only sentence A is correct.

b)   Only sentence B is correct.

c)   Both sentences are correct.

d)   Both sentences contain errors.

A   Most textbooks are relatively inexpensive.

B   We were asked to buy a dictionary that costs over 20£.

a)   Only sentence A is correct.

b)   Only sentence B is correct.

c)   Both sentences are correct.

d)   Both sentences contain errors.

A   Listen to Mother when she is talking to you.

B   Never open the radio when she is speaking to you.

a)   Only sentence A is correct.

b)   Only sentence B is correct.

c)   Both sentences are correct.

d)   Both sentences contain errors.

A   Phoning home is a comfortable way to keep in touch with your parents.

B   Your relatives want to hear what you have been doing today.

a)   Only sentence A is correct.

b)   Only sentence B is correct.

c)   Both sentences are correct.

d)   Both sentences contain errors.

A   Charles asked to borrow such a large sum of money that I was unable to lend it to him.

B   Joseph asked for so small a sum that I was able to lend him the money.

a)   Only sentence A is correct.

b)   Only sentence B is correct.

c)   Both sentences are correct.

d)   Both sentences contain errors.

A   Ruth whispered for not to wake up the baby.

B   The infant sleeped peacefully.

a)   Only sentence A is correct.

b)   Only sentence B is correct.

c)   Both sentences are correct.

d)   Both sentences contain errors.

A   I could not do without my friends.

B   We see each other quite often anymore.

a)   Only sentence A is correct.

b)   Only sentence B is correct.

c)   Both sentences are correct.

d)   Both sentences contain errors.

A   We all look forward to see you in the autumn.

B   All of us look forward to seeing you this autumn.

a)   Only sentence A is correct.

b)   Only sentence B is correct.

c)   Both sentences are correct.

d)   Both sentences contain errors.

Englantilainen filologia pääsykokeen mallitehtävä

Section 1: Grammar and Vocabulary

Complete the passage by supplying one English word wherever something is missing at a numbered gap in the text. However, if nothing needs to be added, please write a zero (0).

In fifteen instances Finnish words have been supplied, to help you with your choice.

[1] _______ must have often [2] _______ all of us as intensely curious is just how many literary [3] _______ (NEROT) have had the [4] _______ of detecting things that are still in the process of becoming – an ear, in fact, for the [5] _______ (JUURI NE) ideas which are on the [6] _______ (KYNNYS) of being born.

In this [7] _______ it is interesting to place the remarks of Charles Darwin [8] ________ certain observations on science made a good [9] _______ earlier by the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Darwin, in his [10] _______ (MUISTELMAT), went to some [11] _________ to [12] ________ (KIELTÄÄ) that he had ever stumbled [13] _________ evidence that the subject of evolution was “in the air” in his day: “I [14] _________ well now and then sound [15] _________ not a

[16] _________ naturalists, but I never came [17] ______ a single one who seemed to harbour [18] _________ misgivings about the [19] _________ (MUUTTUMATTOMUUS) of species whatsoever.”

By [20] _______ of contrast, we may note that Coleridge as long ago as [21] _______ 1819 refers to a belief which “has become quite [22] _______ (JOKAPÄIVÄINEN) even among Christian people – that only gradually, after a long and [23] _________ (VAIHEIKAS) history,

[24] ________ humankind forsake a state of [25] _________ (RAAKALAISUUS), passing from the monkey through various stages to [26] _________ man.”

Coleridge was [27] _________ evolutionist. He was, however, acutely [28] _______ (HERKKÄ) to a new doctrine whose presence “in the air” Darwin [29] _________ later to fail to

[30] _________ to. Coleridge also recognised how the intellectual climate of a given period may unconsciously [31] _________ back or fence [32] _________ the theoretical [33] _________ (PYRKIMYKSET) of the exploring scientist. “Anyone well- [34] _______ (PEREHTYNYT) as regards the history of philosophy in past [35] _______ centuries,” he writes, “cannot

[36] ________ admit that some sort of secret and [37] _______ (SANATON) compact appears to have [38] _________ among the learned [39] _________, [40] _________ to venture

[41] _______ certain fixed limits in speculative science. The [42] _______ (ETUOIKEUS) of free thought, so greatly [43] _________ (VAALITTU), so highly extolled, has at no time been

[44] ________ in actual practice, [45] _________ within these limits.”

(No KEY available)

Luuletko hallitsevasi englannin kielen sanaston? Think again. Täällä haastetta jokaiselle and NO PEEKING! 🙂

Moni luulee, että koska on käynyt lukion, punainen matto on levitetty ylioppilaan englannin laitokselle mennä. Nothing could be further from the truth. Indiana Jonesissakin pärjäsi The Penitent Man. Mikä penitent? KVG tai jotain! 🙂 Taidot on siis oikeasti oltava terässä eikä ylioppilas vain luule, että ne ovat. Kaikenlaiset kertaukset ovat paikallaan pääsykokeisiin valmistautuessa ja siksi pyöritkin esim. juuri tällä sivustolla varmistellen huippukuntoasi.

Kokemukseen perustuvia havaintoja tehokkaista opiskelumenetelmistä täällä.

Ideoitani tehokkaaseen sanastonlaajentamiseen täällä.

Paljon valmiita fraaseja ja merkityksiä (ts. kliseitä) täällä. Enjoy!

Valmistaudu kuuntelukokeeseen täällä.

Mona Lisa kertaa täällä kirjoitelmanteon perusasiat — tällä kertaa kuvien kautta.

Täällä on paljon paljon sanastomateriaalia ja ajatuksiani sanastonopettelusta muutenkin.

Etu- ja jälkiliitteet tuntemalla voi uuden sanan merkitys avautua tarpeellisessa määrin. Nopea kertaus niistä täällä.

Sanojen oikeinkirjoituksen vaaranpaikat täällä. Varmista osaamisesi.

Kielioppikertausta PowerPointteina: Omistamisen ilmaiseminen , Passiivi , Epäsuora esitys Vaillinaiset apuverbit Paljoussanat Relatiivipronominit Lauseenvastikkeet Perusmuoto/-ING-muoto/that-lause , AikamuodotSanajärjestysEhtovirkkeetAikamuotojen mukautuminen , Adjektiivit ja Adverbit , Artikkelit

Kurkkaa sanastonkartuttajille ja kirjoittajille keräämäni desktop täällä. Netin materiaaleilla ja työkaluilla pötkitään pitkälle.


Englantilainen filologia      Oulun yliopisto

Valintakoe: 20.5.2014 klo 13 – 16 salissa L1.

Koe on kirjallinen ja kolmiosainen.

1. Rakenne, sanasto Suositellaan tutustumista toiseen seuraavista teoksista: – Leech, G. & Svartvik, J.: A Communicative Grammar of English. Harlow: Longman. – Thomson, A.J. & Martinet, A.V.: A Practical English Grammar. 3. tai 4. painos. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2. Tekstin ymmärtäminen

3. Kirjoitelma, josta arvostellaan sekä kieli että sisältö, joista jälkimmäisellä on pääpaino. Kieliasun arvostelussa kiinnitetään huomiota seuraaviin piirteisiin: – kielen virheettömyys – täsmällinen ilmaisu – sanaston monipuolinen käyttö – lauserakenteiden hallinta – tekstin yhtenäisyys ja ilmaisun sujuvuus Sisällön kohdalla teoksen tuntemuksen lisäksi ratkaisee valmius – analysoida aineistoa eikä vain referoida sitä – tehdä omia, itsenäisiä, asiaan liittyviä havaintoja – muodostaa havaintojen perusteella kokonaiskuva luetusta teoksesta. Tehtävä edellyttää tutustumista yhteen seuraavista teoksista: – Hartley, L.P: The Go-Between. Penguin, 1999. – Paxman, Jeremy: The English: A Portrait of a People. Penguin, 2007. – Cook, Guy: Applied Linguistics. Oxford University Press, 2003. – Loewen, Shawn and Reinders, Hayo: Key Concepts in Second Language Acquisition. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.

Kustakin osasta voi saada 0–10 pistettä. Ollakseen mukana valinnassa hakijan on saatava jokaisesta kokeen osasta vähintään kolme pistettä.